Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Historical changes in herbaceous wetland distribution and biomass : effects of hydrology on faunal habitats in Lake Saint-Pierre (St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada)

Hudon, C. et Gagnon, P. et Amyot, J.P. et Létourneau, G. et Jean, M. et Plante, C. et Deschênes, M. (2004). Historical changes in herbaceous wetland distribution and biomass : effects of hydrology on faunal habitats in Lake Saint-Pierre (St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada). [Publication gouvernementale]

[thumbnail of Hudon et al_2004_herbaceous wetland_hydrology_Lac St-Pierre_A.pdf]
Hudon et al_2004_herbaceous wetland_hydrology_Lac St-Pierre_A.pdf

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A model predicting the occurrence of nine herbaceous plant associations (HEPA) from hydrological conditions was elaborated for St. Lawrence River wetlands, using relative abundance index (height x percent cover) of wetland plants in 630 field quadrats sampled at 13 sites (1999-2002). Hydrological regime was linked to 9 classes of HEPA, ranging from high marsh (wet meadow, annual transition, barren transition), low marsh (scattered tall Scirpus, mixed narrow-leaved emergents, closed with aggressive emergents, dense with robust emergents) to more aquatic vegetation (open marsh with floating leaves and submerged aquatics), which constitute the wetland fringe most responsive to water level variations. The low marsh HEPA classes also corresponded to a gradient of riparian habitat heterogeneity (relative importance of emergent and submerged vegetation), shifting from completely closed, to dense, mixed, scattered and open marshes to mostly submerged vegetation.

Type de document: Publication gouvernementale
Éditeur: Centre Saint-Laurent, Environnement Canada
Lieu de publication: Montréal, Québec
Statut du texte intégral: Public
Mots-clés libres: River, Wetlands, Herbaceous plant associations, Aboveground biomass, Hydrology, Water level, Vertebrate habitat, St. Lawrence River, Lake Saint-Pierre, Historical changes, CART model.
Sujets: 2. Milieu physique > 2.4. Hydrologie
3. Végétation, milieux humides
4. Faune
Date de dépôt: 04 août 2016 15:14
Dernière modification: 06 nov. 2016 21:59

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.