Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Document quand l'auteur est "Boily, M."

Nombre de documents archivés : 6.

Article scientifique

Landry, C. et Houde, M. et Brodeur, P. et Boily, M. (2020). Biological markers to establish a relationship between the health status of the St. Lawrence River yellow perch (Perca flavescens) with a gradient of anthropogenic disturbances. Science of the Total Environment . p. 138515. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138515.

Landry, C. et Houde, M. et Brodeur, P. et Spear, P. et Boily, M. (2017). Lipophilic antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in yellow perch subjected to various anthropogenic influences along the St. Lawrence River (QC, Canada). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (139). pp. 316-325. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.01.051.

King, K. C. et McLaughlin, J.D. et Boily, M. et Marcogliese, D. J. (2010). Effects of agricultural landscape and pesticides on parasitism in native bullfrogs. Biological Conservation , 143 (2). pp. 302-310. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.10.011.

Marcogliese, D. J. et King, K. C. et Salo, H. M. et Fournier, M. et Brousseau, P. et Spear, P. et Champoux, L. et McLaughlin, J.D. et Boily, M. (2009). Combined effects of agricultural activity and parasites on biomarkers in the bullfrog, Rana catasbeiana. Aquatic Toxicology , 91 . pp. 126-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.10.001.

Boily, M. et Thibodeau, J. et Bisson, M. (2009). Retinoid metabolism (LRAT, REH) in the liver and plasma retinoids of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in relation to agricultural contamination. Aquatic Toxicology , 91 . pp. 118-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.11.006.

Spear, P.A. et Boily, M. et Giroux, I. et DeBlois, C. et Leclair, M. H. et Levasseur, M. et Leclair, R. (2009). Study design, water quality, morphometrics and age of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in sub-watersheds of the Yamaska River drainage basin, Québec, Canada. Aquatic Toxicology , 91 . pp. 110-117. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2008.09.011.

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.