Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Pack ice pressure forecasting for arctic and sub-arctic regions

Abdelnour, R. et Comfort, G. et Singh, S. et Paterson, B. (1997). Pack ice pressure forecasting for arctic and sub-arctic regions. [Conférence et compte rendu]

[thumbnail of Abdelnour et al_1997_ice pressure_artic and sub-artic region.pdf]
Abdelnour et al_1997_ice pressure_artic and sub-artic region.pdf

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A model was developed to forecast the ice pressure within an ice cover. The model calculates also the global forces on structures deployed in the ice cover. The model is based on research data collected during several field measurement projects including pack ice pressure in the southern Beaufort Sea, ice pressure in the nearshore ice zone in Labrador and from instrumented ice booms placed in Lake Erie, Lac St. Pierre and the St. Lawrence River. The ice cover characteristics and the driving forces applied on the cover are required as input for the model. The ice characteristics include the ice concentration and the ice thinkness distribution of the various types of ice within the ice cover.

Type de document: Conférence et compte rendu
Titre de l'événement: International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE
Type de manifestation: Conférence
Lieu de la manifestation: Yokohama, Japan
Dates de la manifestation: 13-18 avril 1997
Titre de l'événement: International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering – OMAE
Mots-clés libres: Ice pressure, Ice cover, Lac St.Pierre
Sujets: 2. Milieu physique > 2.4. Hydrologie
8. Impacts et monitoring > 8.7. Modélisations et indicateurs
Date de dépôt: 12 mai 2016 14:01
Dernière modification: 10 nov. 2016 14:44

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.