Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Bird surveys (summer 2017) following habitat restoration work along three watercourses and in an agroforestry plot near Lake Saint-Pierre – Baie-du-Febvre Area

Nicole, A. et Dauphin, D. (2018). Bird surveys (summer 2017) following habitat restoration work along three watercourses and in an agroforestry plot near Lake Saint-Pierre – Baie-du-Febvre Area. [Publication gouvernementale]

[thumbnail of Nicole et Dauphin_2018_Bird_surveys_Baie-du-Febvre Area_A.pdf]
Nicole et Dauphin_2018_Bird_surveys_Baie-du-Febvre Area_A.pdf

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With the aim of balancing agricultural activities and wildlife protection, an approach has been developed for restoring wildlife habitats on the shoreline of Lake Saint-Pierre (Groupe de travail « Intendance en milieu agricole : culture du littoral au lac Saint-Pierre », 2010). This approach involves stream maintenance (bank reshaping, planting, etc.) and conversion of annual crops back to perennial crops or natural grasslands. Work was carried out along three watercourses in the Baie-du-Febvre area in 2012 to restore fish habitat while also allowing adjacent land to be farmed. In parallel with this work, an agroforestry plot was developed at Ferme Bertco to assess the wildlife and agronomic benefits of intercropping traditional grain (or alfalfa) crops with rows of trees (oak, maple, poplar, walnut) spaced 40 m apart. In the summer of 2012, bird surveys were conducted at these four sites in order to obtain a picture of the bird communities present before enhancement and restoration work began. A second survey was conducted in the summer of 2017, encompassing the three watercourses and the agroforestry plot, to assess the changes in the bird communities five years after the restoration work.

Type de document: Publication gouvernementale
Nombre de pages: 27
Éditeur: Ministère de l’Environnement et du Changement climatique du Canada; Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec
Lieu de publication: Québec
Statut du texte intégral: Public
Mots-clés libres: Agricultural activities, Wildlife protection, Restoring wildlife habitats, Shoreline of Lake Saint-Pierre, Baie-du-Febvre area, Bird communities
Sujets: 4. Faune > 4.4. Oiseaux
5. Aménagements > 5.2. Conservation de l’habitat
5. Aménagements > 5.4. Baie-du-Febvre
6. Milieu humain > 6.2. Agriculture
Date de dépôt: 09 nov. 2018 15:55
Dernière modification: 09 nov. 2018 16:17
ISBN: 978-0-660-27110-1

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.