Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Preliminary performance indicators of the Environment Technical Working Group (Lower St. Lawrence)

Morin, J. et Champoux, O. et Martin, S. et Turgeon, K. et Mingelbier, M. et Giguère, S. et Rioux, D. et Armellin, A. et Lehoux, D. et Drolet, B. et Dauphin, D. et Hudon, C. et de Lafontaine, Y. et Desgranges, J.-L. et dePinto, J. et Redder, T. et Parker, B. (2004). Preliminary performance indicators of the Environment Technical Working Group (Lower St. Lawrence). [Rapport – bilan]

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Morin et al_2004_environemental working group_St Lawrence_A.pdf

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The Environment TWG is building several Performance Indicators (PI) that are aiming at quantify/qualify the impact of regulation on fauna and flora. The actual indicators are a first cut of the several indicators (between 60 and 200) that will be produced for the Lower St. Lawrence River. Several levels of integration are planned for the summer 2004, in order to reduce such complexity in environmental PIs. In the actual document, we present a general methodology that was used to produce the indicators and we document in detail the 26 indicators prepared for the “March 2004-PFEG Workshop”, with the following structure: 1) the responsible party 2) the origin and description of the indicators, 3) its temporal validity (portion of the year), 4) its spatial validity, 5) the variables used in the modelling, 6) the calibration data, 7) the validation data, 8) the links with the hydrology and finally, for the spatially explicit models, we present 9) a map of the spatial distribution of the indicator for an average discharge, 10) the comparison between the 2D model results and their approximation for the SVM, and finally, 11) we present the comparison between the calculation of the performance indicator based on two different discharge series: 1958DD and PreProject.

Type de document: Rapport – bilan
Type de document ou de rapport: Rapports Techniques
Nombre de pages: 82
Éditeur: Technical report MSC-hydrology RT-135, Environment Canada (MSC, CWS, CSL) & FAPAQ
Statut du texte intégral: Public
Mots-clés libres: The Environment TWG. Performance indicators, Impact of regulation on fauna and flora, St. Lawrence river
Sujets: 2. Milieu physique > 2.4. Hydrologie
3. Végétation, milieux humides
4. Faune
8. Impacts et monitoring > 8.7. Modélisations et indicateurs
Date de dépôt: 17 août 2016 16:02
Dernière modification: 07 nov. 2016 13:18

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.