Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Pesticides in fluvial wetlands catchments under intensive agricultural activities

Poissant, L. et Beauvais, C. et Lafrance, P. et Deblois, C. (2008). Pesticides in fluvial wetlands catchments under intensive agricultural activities. Science of the Total Environment , 404 (1). pp. 182-195. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.05.030.

Ce document n'est pas hébergé sur Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre.


A survey on pesticides (73 compounds) in the Bay St. François wetland and its catchment (part of the wetlands of Lake St. Pierre area [St. Lawrence River, Québec]) was achieved in 2006. The metabolites as well as the active ingredients of pesticides (11 compounds) were detected in the wetland and its catchment. This wetland ecosystem was active in the degradation of agricultural pesticides (e.g., atrazine). The measured pesticides were individually below the criteria for aquatic species in natural water, except chlorpyrifos. Overall, the pesticides lost from agricultural field towards the streams were < 1% of the quantity applied. The environmental fates of the pesticides were found to vary according to the size of the watershed. Over large catchments, half-life times were important in terms of global loss from the agricultural lands to wetlands whereas over small catchments, soil organic carbon/water distribution coefficient (Koc) was an important term for pesticides losses to water system since half-life times were not limiting factors.

Type de document: Article scientifique
Statut du texte intégral: Autre
Mots-clés libres: Agricultural, Losses from field, Pesticide, Wetlands impacts
Sujets: 2. Milieu physique > 2.4. Hydrologie
6. Milieu humain > 6.2. Agriculture
8. Impacts et monitoring > 8.1. Qualité de l’eau
Date de dépôt: 19 août 2016 13:26
Dernière modification: 19 août 2016 13:26

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.