Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Document quand l'auteur est "Lucotte, M."

Nombre de documents archivés : 6.

Article scientifique

Crenoma, F. et Pianas, D. et Lucotte, M. (2010). Influence of functional feeding groups and spatiotemporal variables on the δ15N signature of littoral macroinvertebrates. Hydrobiologia , 647 (1). pp. 51-61. DOI: doi: 10.1007/s10750-009-9798-5.

Cremona, F. et Pianas, D. et Lucotte, M. (2008). Assessing the importance of macroinvertebrate trophic dead ends in the lower transfer of methylmercury in littoral food webs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 65 . pp. 2043-2052. DOI: 10.1139/F08-116.

Cremona, F. et Pianas, D. et Lucotte, M. (2008). Biomass and composition of macroinvertebrate communities associated with different types of macrophyte architectures and habitats in a large fluvial lake. Fundamental and Applied Limnology , 17 (2). pp. 119-130.

Caron, S. et Lucotte, M. et Teisserenc, R. (2008). Mercury transfer from watersheds to aquatic environments following the erosion of agrarian soils : A molecular biomarker approach. Canadian Journal of Soil Science , 88 (5). pp. 801-811. DOI: doi: 10.4141/CJSS07112.

Caron, S. et Lucotte, M. (2008). Regional and seasonal inputs of mercury into Lake St. Pierre (St. Lawrence River), a major commercial and sports fisheries in Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution , 195 . pp. 85-97.

Livre – revue – journal

Lucotte, M. et Canuel, R. et Boucher de Grosbois, S. et Amyot, M. et Anderson, R. et Arp, P. et Atikesse, L. et Carreau, J. et Chan, L. et Garceau, S. et Mergler, D. et Ritchie, C. et Robertson, M. J. et Vanier, C. (2005). An ecosystem approach to describe the mercury issue in Canada : From mercury sources to human health. Dans Pirrone, N. et Mahaffey, R. K., Dynamics of Mercury Pollution on Regional and Global Scales : Atmospheric Processes and Human Exposures Around the World. [Livre – revue – journal] DOI: doi: 10.1007/0-387-24494-8_19.

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.