Document quand l'auteur est "Vis, C."Nombre de documents archivés : 7. Article scientifiqueCattaneo, A. et Hudon, C. et Vis, C. et Gagnon, P. (2013). Hydrological control of filamentous green algae in a large fluvial lake (Lake Saint-Pierre, St. Lawrence River, Canada). Journal of Great Lakes Research , 39 (3). pp. 409-419. DOI: doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2013.06.005. Vis, C. et Cattaneo, A. et Hudon, C. (2008). Shift from chlorophytes to cyanobacteria in benthic macroalgae along a gradient of nitrate depletion. Journal of Phycology , 44 (1). pp. 38-44. DOI: DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2007.00429.x. Vis, C. et Hudon, C. et Carignan, R. et Gagnon, P. (2007). Spatial analysis if prodution by macrophytes, phytoplankton and epiphyton in a large river system under different water-level conditions. Ecosystems , 10 (2). pp. 293-310. DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9021-3. Vis, C. et Hudon, C. et Carignan, R. (2006). Influence of the vertical structure of macrophyte stands on epiphyte community metabolism. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 63 . pp. 1014-1026. DOI: 10.1139/F06-021. Vis, C. et Hudon, C. et Carignan, R. (2003). An evaluation of approaches used to determine the distribution and biomass of emergent and submerged aquatic macrophytes over large spatial scales. Aquatic Botany , 77 . pp. 187-201. DOI: DOI: 10.1016/S0304-3770(03)00105-0. Thèse universitaireVis, C. (2004). Importance relative des producteurs primaires sur la production globale du lac Saint-Pierre, un grand lac fluvial du Saint-Laurent. [Thèse universitaire] Publication gouvernementaleHudon, C. et Gagnon, P. et Vis, C. et Amyot, J.P. et Rioux, D. (2003). Models for Submerged Vegetation and Related Environmental Changes Induced by Discharge (Water Level) Variations in the St. Lawrence River (Québec, Canada). [Publication gouvernementale] |
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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D. |