Bibliothèque Électronique Lac Saint-Pierre

Climate Change and Marine Transportation on the St. Lawrence River. Exploratory Study of Adaptation Option

D'Arcy, P. et Bibeault, J-F. et Raffa, R. (2005). Climate Change and Marine Transportation on the St. Lawrence River. Exploratory Study of Adaptation Option. [Publication gouvernementale]

[thumbnail of Darcy et al_2005_Impact_climate_change_commercial_shipping_StLawrence_river_A.pdf]
Darcy et al_2005_Impact_climate_change_commercial_shipping_StLawrence_river_A.pdf

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Thus, in an exploratory manner and with the objective of initiating an examination and contemplation of climate change adaptation measures, a few adaptation options were reviewed and, where possible, their economic, environmental and social impacts considered. This research made it possible to uncover certain limitations and opportunities specific to each option and to illustrate the complexity of their analysis on the basis of sustainable development criteria. Additional studies would therefore be necessary to be in a position to effectively determine those that are in line with this perspective and to discover new ones. A number of initiatives are emerging both in Canada and abroad so that adaptations to climate change be taken into consideration now. The impacts of climate change go beyond the framework of navigation activities alone, and the Navigation Consensus Building Committee believes that, in the coming years, an examination of the future vocation of the St. Lawrence from the perspective of sustainable development and a more integrated management must be undertaken.

Type de document: Publication gouvernementale
Nombre de pages: 159
Éditeur: St. Lawrence Action Plan Navigation Consensus Building Committee
Mots-clés libres: Climate change, Sustainable developement, Navigation activities, St. Lawrence, Integrated mamagement
Sujets: 1. Laboratoire de développement durable > 1.1. Développement durable
2. Milieu physique > 2.4. Hydrologie
6. Milieu humain > 6.3. Navigation commerciale
9. Nouvelles pressions > 9.1. Changement climatique
Date de dépôt: 02 janv. 2017 15:42
Dernière modification: 02 janv. 2017 15:42

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Coopérative de solidarité de la Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre
Concepteur de la BELSP : André Barabé, Ph. D.